Halo's Master Chief teams up with Stand Up To Cancer for epic gaming fundraiser

The power of video games is being put to good use next month, with Stand Up To Cancer teaming up with Xbox to fundraise for vital research into the disease.

As part of SUTC’s Game On campaign this year, UK gamers are being asked to approach their favourite games in new ways and come up with unique challenges, streaming their attempts online and getting viewers to donate to the cause and support Cancer Research UK.

The week-long event begins on Monday September 21, and if you fancy watching and donating rather than creating your own challenges, there will be an official Stand Up To Cancer takeover of the Xbox On Twitch channel, where a number of yet-to-be-announced well known streamers will be competing against the Xbox On team in various quirky gaming trials.

Master Chief is rallying gamers to join the fight against cancer

To get the Xbox community pumped up, Halo’s very own Master Chief features in a promotional video seeking to inspire players. In the clip, we see examples of what to expect, like racing while driving in reverse in Forza Horizon 4, or making your way through Ori and the Will of the Wisps using only projectiles.

Master Chief voice actor Steve Downes revealed that the event is close to his heart after watching loved ones be affected by cancer:  “It is both an honour and privilege to participate in Stand Up To Cancer’s Game On campaign this year. Like so many others, I have personally witnessed cancer’s devastating effects — my own father passed away from cancer some 25 years ago.

“I’ve also witnessed the great progress that continues to be made. A dear friend is surviving lung and brain cancer, a reality that might’ve been unheard of just a decade ago. That is why this campaign is so important.”

Gamers can create their own challenges or watch others in action

He continues: “Being the voice of the Master Chief for 20 years has been an epic journey, and I’ve seen the positive impact this heroic character has had on so many people all over the world. But his battles could not be won without the help of others. The Chief is calling on you to take down an enemy even stronger than the Flood or the Covenant. It is a battle that can be won. I have seen it with my own eyes. It is time to Stand Up To Cancer!”

For more information about Stand Up To Cancer and details on how to participate in the Game On campaign, head to the official website.

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