
West Ham boss David Moyes delivered fruit and veg during coronavirus pandemic... and he was 'actually enjoying it'

David Moyes has revealed he became a fruit and veg delivery driver to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

With all football suspended due to the outbreak of the deadly disease, the Scot retreated to his family home in Lancashire with the aim of assisting in any small way to tackle the pandemic.

West Ham boss Moyes has taken a pay cut and also started delivering fruit and veg to help in the fight against COVID-19

AFP or licensors

West Ham boss Moyes has taken a pay cut and also started delivering fruit and veg to help in the fight against COVID-19

Former West Ham and Bolton midfielder Gary O’Neil reveals how difficult the last 12 months have been

The 56-year-old said: “When the virus first broke out, the fruit and veg shop in my village were asking for drivers to deliver fruit and veg. So I became a driver for the fruit and veg shop.

“I delivered it to all the people in the neighbourhood. I did it for about four days. There was a sign in the window saying ‘volunteers needed’.

“My wife was away at the time, I was on my own. All I would do was drop the fruit and veg on the doorstep, knock on the door and then move away.

“I would knock, leave it and just check they came to get it. A lot of the customers were families. I’ve got to say they were beautiful, colourful boxes of fruit and veg.

“I was thinking ‘this is great’. I was actually enjoying it.

Give COVID-19 the red card

The quicker we work together to stop coronavirus spreading, the sooner we can get back into the pubs, the gyms and stadiums and arenas to see live sport again…

STAY AT HOME. Only leave for the following purposes:

  • to shop for basic essentials – only when you really need to

  • to do one form of exercise a day – such as a run, walk or cycle, alone or with other people you live with

  • for any medical need – for example, to visit a pharmacy or deliver essential supplies to a vulnerable person

  • to travel to and from work – but only where this is absolutely necessary

For more info and tips, visit the NHS website.

The government has also issued further detail on what we can do during lockdown.

Everyone should do what they can to stop coronavirus spreading.

“I’d drop them off, then go back to the shop and fill up my car to get another load. Most of the people paid online but the boy in the shop told me that a couple of people haven’t paid and asked, ‘Would you mind collecting the money?’

“At the first door an older lady came to the door and I think the bill was £16.80. She gave me a £20 note and said ‘here you go son, keep the change’.

“I had a similar experience with another older lady.

“Her bill was £17.60 or something. She gave me £15. She was starting to dig into her purse and I said ‘that’ll do’. That was my tip gone!

“A few people recognised me. At each house I knocked and stood outside the gate to make sure someone was picking up the fruit.

“And you could hear them say ‘Dave Moyes?’ I never stopped for a conversation though. Everybody was just grateful for their fruit and veg. I was just doing my bit.”

Moyes, who has also taken a 30 per cent pay cut on his £2m-a-year salary amid the pandemic, has stressed that there are more important things than football and he believes it is unnecessary to cram the rest of the season into a tight schedule.

A host of Premier League managers – including Frank Lampard – have all taken significant pay cuts

Getty Images – Getty

A host of Premier League managers – including Frank Lampard – have all taken significant pay cuts

Authorities are still wrestling with the problem of how to finish the campaign in such a tight timescale, with clubs likely to need to play three games a week.

“I wouldn’t want next year to be affected,” he added. “Why would we let this horrible virus have an impact on football going forward? We know it’s having a big impact just now.

“Just before the virus quite a few managers came out talking about the fixture pile-up.

“Well if we’re not going to finish the season until roughly about the time we expect to start the next, which would be mid-August, I can only see so much football getting squashed in — especially for teams who are fortunate enough to be in the Champions League or are regular contenders in the latter rounds of the FA Cup and League Cup.

“I’m saying to myself how can we possibly fit all the games in and get the quality we’re looking for?

“The standard in the Premier League is extremely high and I would be worried that squashing so many games into such a short period could in some way reduce the quality of the football in the Premier League.

“I’m finding it really difficult to see where the conclusion is and how we can start.

“Obviously there might be situations where players might refuse to play as well. They might not feel safe. There’s lots of different aspects of it.

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