
Doom Eternal is a potential Game of the Year contender

After a stupendous 2016 reboot, Doom Eternal takes everything its predecessor did well and cranks it up to 11. A heavy metal album cover that’s come to life, the game represents the culmination of first-person shooters this console generation.

Kicking off after the forces of Hell have spread from the first game’s Martian research base and begun to take hold of Earth and other planets, Doom Eternal layers a surprising amount of meat on the narrative bones of the previous title. While much of this is done through environmental storytelling, there are more cutscenes this time around.

Most importantly, the expanded scope of Doom Eternal allows for less of the sterile interiors and bright orange hellscapes that formed much of the first game’s campaign. That’s not to say they aren’t here, but the variety afforded by visiting other planets allows for the occasional greenery, huge structures, and some beautiful skyboxes.

Doom Eternal ramps up the action

Equally as exciting is how you’ll traverse these new environments. While the Doomslayer is able to double-jump from the off, a new dash and the ability to climb some walls are now just as key for combat survival as they are for exploration. First-person platforming may sound like a nightmare, but Doom Eternal’s is forgiving and exhilarating in equal measure, especially when tied into some of the new battle arenas that now offer added verticality.

Levels are a bit more open

While Doom 2016 funnelled players through corridors, nudging them into large rooms full of demons, Eternal’s killboxes are less restrictive thanks to sweeping vistas, floating platforms, and a new Shotgun attachment that can swing the Slayer from platform to platform.

Of course, there’s still plenty of strafing and shooting forming the foundation of Doom Eternal, and Glory Kills are back and more violent than ever; particularly when paired with the Slayer’s new wristblade.

The Doomslayer has some fresh upgrades

Glory Kills offer health pickups, while chainsaw kills offer ammo, helping facilitate aggressive play in the same way the 2016 original. Completing the trifecta is the new ‘Flame Belch’, a shoulder-mounted flamethrower that burns enemies and ensures they drop armour when killed. At its best, Doom Eternal is a bullet-filled ballet of choreographed flames, chains and executions.

Some new weapons offer fresh combat options

The flamethrower isn’t the only new addition, though. Grenades deal hefty damage to groups of enemies, while by our count the original’s varied arsenal returns – with new tricks afforded by new weapon mods. The shotgun, that previously offered burst fire, can now be fired full-auto or shoot sticky bombs, while the heavy machine gun now offers a devastating sniper mode. Each new unlock feels like a reward in itself, particularly when using them on the demons themselves.

Arachnotrons, Pain Elementals, and more return from the original Doom II, while fresh additions like tentacles that jump out when you least expect it and the terrifying Doom slayer have joined the action. Of course, that’s more demons for shooting, and now that they’re ‘Destructible Demons’ you can target weak points.

Destroying the Arachnotron’s turret, for example, limits its long-range capabilities, while hurling a grenade in a Cacodemon’s gaping yaw opens it up for a glory kill. On normal difficulty it’s fun to do so, but on higher difficulties it’s essential.

Each level offers a wealth of secrets to discover, and between levels you’ll be able to kick back in the ‘Fortress of Doom’ (yes, really). This floating space castle is filled with enemies to practice your skills on, as well as nods to the franchise’s past.

The addition of enemy weak spots lets you take them down more easily

As you’d expect from id Software, Doom Eternal is a stunning game. We reviewed the game on Xbox One X, and while there is some slowdown when loading into cutscenes, the game runs at a solid 60fps. The new environments thrum with detail, and every Glory Kill baits the parents of nineties kids with viscera and gore.

Of course, the soundtrack is just as much a part of the game as its combat, its art, or its weaponry, and returning composer Mick Gordon again delivers. While much of the metal tones riff on what came before, hearing ‘Rip and Tear’ build when entering an arena evokes goosebumps and white knuckles in equal measure.

Aside from the 18-hour or so campaign, there’s also multiplayer to enjoy but this is coming as a launch-day update. As a result, we haven’t been able to test the asymmetrical offering, but even just in terms of single-player there’s enough here to warrant a purchase.

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Doom Eternal deserves to be considered among some of the greatest sequels in gaming. Just as Uncharted 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2 kicked their respective franchises into overdrive, Doom Eternal pushes itself into top-tier shooter territory this console generation.

By placing the Doomslayer, and by extension, the player, into the centre of a blood-spattered heavy metal symphony and encouraging them to conduct with a chainsaw, id and Bethesda have conjured a game of the year contender.

Doom Eternal launches on March 20 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC for £49.99, and is coming to Nintendo Switch at a later date

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