
Google Maps Street View snaps strange photo of 'floating man'

It’s the go-to navigational app for many people around the world, and now Google Maps has snapped a very unusual photo of what appears to be a floating man.

The strange photo was snapped by Google Maps’ Street View camera in Bangladesh.

Reddit user DowntownX posted the photo this week, captioning it ‘Floating Man Found in Bangladesh.’

It shows a young man holding a child, although his legs appear to be missing.

One user replied: “Wow that’s confusing and so well cut together it looks like an incomplete photoshop.”

Another added: “I spent a good 2 minutes trying to find his legs.”

Google Maps app

However, eagle-eyed viewers have noticed that his shadow does show his legs, indicating that his ‘floating’ body is likely the result of a Google Maps glitch.

Meanwhile, another user noticed that his shadow looked rather rude thanks to the awkward posting of the child’s foot.

Google Maps creates the images by stitching together the 360 -degree image sets submitted by users, meaning small errors can easily occur.

For example, a mysterious ‘ghost’ couple was spotted on Google Maps last year, wandering the streets of Quebec.

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The ‘ghosts’ were seen walking along Rue Saint Jean Baptiste, and appeared to have translucent bodies.

The woman was seen wearing a jacket, jeans and sunglasses, and walked alongside a male companion.

Thankfully, there’s an explanation for the ‘ghosts’.

The eerie appearance is due to a photography glitch, which meant that the couple weren’t fully pictured by the Google Maps Car.

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